

Archive of the Dutch Association for the Integration of Homosexuality (COC)

Span Dates: 1982 - 2000
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 10 folders


This collection consists of ten subject files containing flyers and newspaper clippings related to the Dutch Reformed and Catholic Church and homosexuality. Items collected by A. den Ambtman of Tiel.

Hist/Bio Note

On 7 December 1946, the "Shakespeareclub" was founded in Amsterdam. The founders were a number of gay men who were active with "Levensrecht" (Right To Live), This magazine was founded a few months before the German invasion in 1940, and re-appeared after the war. The Shakespeareclub was renamed in 1949 to "Cultuur- en Ontspanningscentrum" (C.O.C.). When the C.O.C. became more public, in 1964, the name was changed to The "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Homofielen COC" (Dutch Association for Homophiles COC). Since 2000 it has a federated structure of 24 local associations, of which the Tiel unit is one. The C.O.C. is united on national level as "Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC Nederland." The organization is primarily social, cultural, and political, having no position on Church relations.

Finding Aid

An online finding aid in Dutch is available.


This collection is housed in the Regional Archief Rivierenland in Tiel, Netherlands


Gay Liberation Movement | Netherlands | Catholic (Roman) | Reformed (Netherlands)